Sponsorship Opportunities
The Council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries (CBHL) Annual Meeting returns after 29 years to Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix, Arizona, located in the stunning Sonoran Desert. This year’s theme, Adapt and Flourish in a Changing Climate, provides a dynamic forum for information professionals from across the country and world to share best practices and tools for collections care. They will also discover fresh ways to engage users and explore strategies for flourishing in an ever-changing digital landscape.
As a meeting sponsor, you will reach this concentrated group of professionals and decision-makers, create new relationships and strengthen existing partnerships.
To learn more, please take a look at our sponsorship brochure or open the PDF below which details the benefits of sponsoring and the levels of support.
Already know you would like to become a sponsor? You may go directly to the online payment site here.
THANK YOU for considering support of The Council on Botanical & Horticultural Libraries 2019 Annual Meeting!