Before starting an ebook download, please be sure that you have completed the following steps:
- Download and install Adobe Digital Editions. If this program is not already installed at your work station, you may need to contact Technical Services to approve this download.
- Create an Adobe ID. If you do not have an Adobe ID, please click here to create one.
To transfer items to your Nook, you will first need to dowload the ebook to your desktop/laptop and then transfer the file.You will need to use a desktop or laptop computer to download the eBook to, then you will transfer it to your Nook.
- In the your browser, navigate to the ebook collection on the MCC Library catalog.
- Once you have selected the item you would like to download, click on the ebrary link in the Holdings tab in the catalog record.
- You will be taken to the ebrary log-in page. Log-in using your MCC email address or the email address you use to receive notifications from Mt. Cuba Center.
- On the ebook's information screen, click the button labeled
- Follow the instructions on the screen:
- Choose Laptop | Desktop
- Select the button for the type of computer you are using (your own, or a public computer)

- In the next box, select the button labeled "I have Adobe Digital Editions".

- In the next box, click
- The book will automatically download to Adobe Digital Editions. If your browser download asks if you would like to open or save the file, please choose Save. Once the file has downloaded, choose Open.
- Attach your Nook to your computer using the USB cable that came with the Nook. Adobe Digital Editions will recognize the Nook and ask you to authorize the device. Select "authorize" on your computer to authorize the NOOK.
- Right-click on the book cover in Adobe Digital Editions, and choose Copy to Computer/Device and select the Nook.
- To locate the file and read the book on your Nook:
- Click the Library button on the main menu.
- If you have a standard Nook reader, the book should be in your Library.
- If you have a Nook Color, choose My Stuff | My Files | Digital Editions. Tap it to start reading.
The book will automatically be returned to the ebrary library at the end of the check-out period (generally 7 or 14 days, depending on the publisher).
If you want to return it earlier, you can right click on the title in your Adobe Digital Editions on your computer, and choose Return Borrowed Item.