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Ebook Central Help and Support: Using the Bookshelf

Using the Bookshelf

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Using the Bookshelf

Once you log on to Ebook Central, you can store documents that you are interested in on your personal bookshelf that only you can view. The bookshelf is your workspace where you can create folders to organize your documents and annotations. Ebook Central helps you keep track of the folders your work is in and of items that are not categorized.

From within a folder, you can email a link to enable others to view that folder. The email recipient must have access to Ebook Central in order to access the items you send them.

Adding Documents

To add a document to your bookshelf, you can do any of the following :

  • Select Add to Bookshelf.
  • Make a note on a page.
  • Highlight text on the page.

The document and any annotations are added to the Unclassified Documents & Annotations folder on your bookshelf.

Adding Annotations

Any annotations made in a document will be placed on your bookshelf. You can add an annotation in several ways:

  • Make a note on a page.
  • Highlight text on the page.

The document is initially added to the Unclassified Documents & Annotations folder on your bookshelf.

Searching Your Bookshelf

Searching only the documents in your bookshelf can be an efficient way to find the information you need.

To search your bookshelf

  1. Sign in if you are not currently signed in.
  2. Type in a search term, and click Search.
  3. Click Advanced. The display shows the search term in the first line.
  4. In a second Advanced Search line, select Collection, and then choose My Bookshelf as the collection to search.
  5. Click the Search button below the Advanced Search fields.

Ebook Central displays documents in your bookshelf that include the search term. You can work with these documents as you would with any search result.

Creating and Using Bookshelf Folders

Folders allow you to organize the documents you place on your bookshelf.

To create and use bookshelf folders:

  1. Click the Bookshelf tab to view your bookshelf.
  2. Click the All My Documents & Annotations folder on the left to see everything on your bookshelf.
  3. To add a new folder, click the Add Folder button and type a folder name.
  4. To add a document to a folder, drag the document cover over to the folder. This adds the document and any annotations to the folder. You can add a document to more than one folder.
  5. To add only an annotation to a folder, click a note icon and drag it to the folder. You can add an annotation to more than one folder. Tip: To organize your research, you can put a document in one folder and divide the annotations into multiple folders.
  6. To see all folders containing a document or annotation, place the cursor over the link (not the icon).
  7. To remove an item from a folder, click the folder to open it, and then click the red X next to the item. When you remove an item from a folder, it is still on your bookshelf.
  8. To delete a note or highlight from your bookshelf, you can do any of the following:
      • While viewing the document in the Ebook Central QuickView Reader, delete the note.
      • On your bookshelf, open either the Unclassified Documents & Annotations or All My Documents & Annotations folder, and click the trash can next to the item.

Emailing a Folder

If you have folders on your bookshelf, you can email each folder to others. The recipients of your email can see all the documents in your folder and all notes and highlights you added to the books. The recipients must have an Ebook Central account with access to the books in your folder.

To email a folder:

  1. Select the Ebook Central Bookshelf tab and click one of your folders.
  2. Click the email button.
  3. An email form allows you to specify one or more recipients for the email. A template subject and template text is included. You can change the information in the form to fit your needs.
  4. Click OK to send the message.

Searching your Bookshelf

You can use the Collections option in the Advanced search to search all documents on your bookshelf. To search your bookshelf

  1. Click the Search tab.
  2. On the Search page, type in the first search term and then click Advanced.
  3. In the Advanced search area, choose additional Text and Key fields, such as Publisher or Document language.
  4. In the last field, choose Collection, and then choose My Bookshelf.
  5. Click Search.

Ebook Central displays all books on your bookshelf that include the search term.

Questions and Support

Questions, comments, suggestions?

Email: or

Phone: 302 239 8824 (x230)

Office: Library, Main House Lower Level

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