A letter to the Right Honourable Lord Somerville, one of the lords of His Majesty's bedchamber, and late president of the Board of AgricultureLondon : Printed and published by George Cawthorn ... ; Messrs. Richardson ..., H.D. Symonds, J. Wallis, West and Hughes, ..., J. Wright, ..., and P. Hill, Edinburgh, 1800.
A letter to the Right Honourable Lord Somerville, one of the lords of His Majesty's bedchamber, and late president of the Board of Agriculture : with a view to shew the inutility of the plans and researches of that institution, and how it might be employed in others more beneficial : with remarks on the recent communications of the board, and a review of the pamphlets of Arthur Young and William Brooke, Esqrs. upon the present high price of provisions / by a society of practical farmers.