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CBHL 2015 Annual Meeting: Taste, Tradition and Beauty in the Edible Landscape: Program

The 2015 annual meeting and conference will be hosted by Seed Savers Exchange, located in Decorah, Iowa, on June 16-20, 2015, during SSE's 40th anniversary year. The conference theme reflects the growing public interest in creating "edible landscapes."


CBHL 47th Annual Meeting

Taste, Tradition and Beauty in the Edible Landscape
Seed Savers Exchange, Decorah, Iowa
June 16-20, 2015

Meeting / Activities Schedule 
Note: The abbreviation "SSE" is used for Seed Savers Exchange.

Monday, June 15

SHUTTLES AVAILABLE for arrivals reservation required

Location: Hotel Winneshiek, 104 E. Water St.
[Through the day] Strategic Planning Committee & Board meeting (Winneshiek Ballroom A)
6:30 - Board meeting (Winneshiek Ballroom A)
Links for the day: Hotel Winneshiek -

Tuesday, June 16

SHUTTLES AVAILABLE for arrivals - reservation required

8:30 – 5:30 - Registration - Hotel Winneshiek lobby
9:00  Pre-conference workshop [registrants only] - Creating a Seed Library for Your Institution (Grant Olson, SSE Public Programs Manager) 
10:30 – Pre-conference workshop [registrants only] -  The American Kitchen Garden: Varietal Research Tools (Sara Straate, SSE Seed Historian)
11:30 – Lunch on your own
1:00 - 6:00 - Committee meetings 
6:00 – 8:30 - Opening reception – Hotel Winneshiek - Steyer Opera House (3R)
Links for the day: Hotel Winneshiek -

Wednesday, June 17

8:00 - [through the day] – Registration – Hotel Winneshiek lobby
9:00 – Hotel Winneshiek (Ballroom A) - Welcome & introductions – John Torgrimson, SSE Executive Director
9:10 – 40 Years of Taste, Tradition and Beauty at Seed Savers Exchange - Diane Ott Whealy
10:00 – Snack break
10:15 – Historical Literature of the Edible Landscape – D. Keith Crotz
11:00 – Member presentations: Judy Stevenson - Getting Started with Records Management at a Public GardenDavid Sleasman - Horticulture Ebook Consortium, Update;  Janet Woody - Fast Boats and Flowers: Citizen Activism in Action.
12:15 – Lunch - Winneshiek Ballroom B
1:00 – Walk to Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum and Heritage Center (cab available upon request)
1:15 – Tour of Vesterheim collections, special exhibit - Flora and Fauna in Norwegian Folk Art
2:45  Snack break - Norwegian treats and refreshments in Vesterheim’s courtyard
3:00 – Bus departs from Vesterheim Center for Seed Savers Exchange
3:15 – Bus arrives at Seed Savers Exchange; assemble at SSE LGVC porch – tours of grounds, historic orchards, Robert Becker Memorial Library, 40-Year SSE history exhibit; time to explore independently & shop 
5:30 – Hors d’oeuvres & drinks on East Porch - joint social time with Archives Leadership Institute participants
6:30 – Buffet dinner al fresco (rain location - Heritage Farm barn loft)  
7:30 - From Garden Fork to Dinner Fork: Taste, Tradition and Beauty
- David Cavagnaro, Founder & Director of Pepperfield Farm, guest speaker (Heritage Farm barn loft)
Links for the day: Hotel Winneshiek -; Vesterheim -; Seed Savers Exchange -; Robert Becker Memorial Library -

Thursday, June 18

9:00 - Member presentations (Hotel Winneshiek, Ballroom A): Marty Schlabach - An Online Game to Correct Inaccurate Optical Character Recognition (OCR) in the Biodiversity Heritage Library: A Purposeful Gaming Update; ; Gayle BradbeerE-Books Behind the Scenes at a University LibrarySusan Fraser - Updates: Biodiversity Heritage Library, Institute of Museum & Library Services / National Leadership Grant.
10:15 – Break
10:30 – Business meeting (Ballroom A)
12:00 – Lunch  (Ballroom B)
12:45 – Ad Hoc Strategic Plan Review Committee presentation & interactive session (Ballroom A)
1:30 - Member presentations (Ballroom A): Rita Hassert - Hands Across the Water, or, an Adventure in Berlin; Kathy Crosby - From Garlic to Gold : How Plant Adhesives Illuminate.
2:00 – Bus/vans load behind hotel for Canoe Creek Produce & Pepperfield Project (Take-along snacks and drinks provided; some waiting for shuttle vans will be required while smaller groups are alternately driven to these locations. Thank you for your patience.)
4:20 - Wine & hors d’oeuvres at Pepperfield Project
5:00 – Vans/bus depart for hotel
5:15 – Bus arrives at hotel
5:30 - Annual Lit Award & book raffle - Ballroom B

Dinner on your own: We recommend Rubaiyat, La Rana, Restauration, McCaffrey’s Dolce Vita (best pizza in Iowa); see Decorah dining options
Links for the day: Hotel Winneshiek -; Canoe Creek Produce -; The Pepperfield Project -

Friday, June 19

8:45 – Bus departs from hotel for Luther College – dropoff at Dahl Centennial Union
9:05 – Presentation: Sustainablility, Community, and Edible Landscapes - Maren Anne Beard, Sustainable Foods Educator, Luther College Center for Sustainability (Peace Dining Room, Dahl Centennial Union) 
9:45 - Greeting from Dr. Paula Carlson, President of Luther College
10:00 – Break 
10:15 – Business meeting - Peace Dining Room
12 noon – Lunch - Peace Dining Room
12:45 – View Jens Jensen exhibit on main floor of the Union & walk to Preus Library
1:15 - Rare book display with Prof. Andrea Beckendorf followed by Luther campus & gardens tour with Luther staff
2:15 – Break in Hovde Lounge at Preus Library; view "Kernels of the Past: Portraits of Heirloom & Historic Maize Varieties" exhibition of heirloom corn photos by David Cavagnaro - main floor gallery
2:45 - Bus departs from library parking lot - bus tour of Decorah historic Broadway district/Phelps Park/Dunning's Spring/Siewer's Spring & fish hatchery, Decorah eagles nest
4:30 – Bus arrives at Hotel Winneshiek
5:00 – Social hour - Hotel Winneshiek - Opera House - cash bar
6:00 - Banquet 
7:00 - Keynote speaker Dan Bussey - Taste, Tradition and Beauty: Exploring the History of Apples in North America – Winneshiek Ballrooms A & B

Links for the day: Luther College -; download Luther College printable campus map; Dahl Centennial Union -; Preus Library -; Hotel Winneshiek -

Saturday, June 20 

SHUTTLES AVAILABLE for departures - reservation required

Free tours
8:30 - Meet at Winneshiek Farmer’s Market; market manager's tour
9:00 - Tour of Oneota Community Coop & culinary kitchens

Optional paid tour - REGISTRANTS ONLY

9:30 - Van loads for Dubuque behind Oneota Community Food Coop
12:00 - Arrive at Eagle Point Park for picnic lunch
12:45 - Depart for Dubuque Arboretum & Botanical Gardens
1:00 - Arrive at DA&BG - tour
2:15 - Depart for National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium
2:30 - Arrive at MRM&A - tour/snacks/refreshments on your own
4:00 - Van loads for Elkader
5:30 - Arrive at Schera's Algerian-American Restaurant in Elkader for dinner
6:45 - Van loads for Decorah
8:15 - Van arrives in Decorah
Links for the day: Links for the day: Winneshiek Farmers Market -; Oneota Community Coop - oneotacoop.comDubuque, IA -; Eagle Point Park -; Dubuque Arboretum and Botanical Gardens -; National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium -;  Elkader, IA -; Schera's Algerian-American Restaurant

Subject Guide

Member presentations