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Hawthorne Hill, Lancaster, Massachusetts: William Anderson

House and garden created by Bayard Thayer

William Anderson

In Memoriam

William Anderson

Seventy-three years ago there was born in far-away Scotland a child who was destined to play a prominent part in the affairs of the Worcester County Horticultural Society. He came to this country at an early age, as a lover of plants and flowers, which calling he followed all of his life, spending most of his time in private estate work. For thirty years he had charge of the estate of Mrs. Bayard Thayer, at Hawthorne Hill, South Lancaster, Mass.

In 1909 William Anderson joined the Worcester County Horticultural Society, and served the Society in various capacities during his membership of thirty-three years. For more than twenty years he served not only as a trustee, but as a member of the Committee on Nomenclature, and also on the Library and Publication Committee. He further served the Society as the Judge of Plants and Flowers for twelve years, first in 1912 to 1916 and later in 1934 to 1942.

His years of faithful service, not only in private estate work, but as judge at the Horticultural shows, indicate that he was a man of the highest character, fair, methodical, and thorough in his work.

On April 29, 1942 he was called to answer the roll call above, and the Worcester County Horticultural Society lost a valuable servant and member and the members a sincere friend.

Therefore be it resolved, that this memorial be placed in the records of the Society, and that a copy be sent to his family.

Respectfully submitted,
S. Lothrop Davenport

Worcester, Massachusetts
December 3, 1942

Vital Records

Born in Scotland 1868
Emigrated to U.S. 1888
Married Margaret 1893
Margaret born Scotland 1872
Son – James W. Anderson – born 1894 in New York

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